Rothenburg to Frankfurt

Location: Frankfurt
Today we had breakfast in Ruth's house at 8 am with our friend, D. His english has already improved since we spent one night with him. It was good and we soon packed up and left our bags there to head to town. She told us to meet her at the bus station at around 4:30-5:00 and she would bring the bags so we wouldn't have to carry them. We headed out to town and had an awesome day. We first walked the wall and got some nice pictures over the town. We also went to the Friese shop to get our free map our guide book said we were able to get by flashing it. We walked in holding it, she ran over to us and offered us the map (usually €1.50) and told us we all get a 10% discount. Nice! After we climbed the Town Hall Tower. It was a bit creepy but an amazing view. I thought Ed's knee was going to snap in two climbing out the small door on top. Haha. After we toured around the town more playing in the playground with this insane spinning thing the boys got on but i turned green just watching them we went to the Christmas shops and I bought a few ornaments for souvineers while the boys just followed me around probably wondering how I could look at Christmas ornaments so long in August. We also went to Restaurant Glock which was recommended in our guide book to sample the local wines. It is actually a weinstube (wine bar) and for €4.20 you can choose to test taste either the dry or half dry wines. We all chose half dry and out came a little basket filled with 5 small wine glasses (5 cl each whatever that means. We all argued as to how many ounces it was haha.) Under each glass was a number that correlated to a paper he gave us describing each wine. It was really fun but it was too much wine for my empty stomach even with the bread. There was a large group from Montana there who were doing the exact same thing (because they had the same tour book-even funnier) and we had a blast discussing our favorites. After another quick walk around the part of the wall we hadn't walked we were off to meet Ruth then the bus at 5:20. Wouldn't you know that not one of us remembered where the bus dropped us off?? After asking a million people, getting a million different directions, and running all over the place I managed to find the bus leaving town at 5:30 (just when we decided to screw the bus and take the train bc we missed it). I, of course, obnoxiously flagged it down to get directions to where the stop was supposed to be to get our bags and he was sooo nice. He pulled over, called Ruth for us, and waited while she came to give us our bags. She wasn't too happy but we were all so happy to be on the bus. We stopped in Weikersheim and then next was Wurzburg where we had to say good-bye to D. So sad! We have his info though and his blog ( and will attempt to translate it with one of those online websites. Two hours later we arrived in Frankfurt and hiked to the Hostelling International youth hostel filled with Catholic youth groups on some sort of retreat to see the pope then travel. We were lucky to get a bed with all those people but the hostel has 470 beds. Ahh sleep time. Long day, but good. Just wish D is having a good time and made his train safe. (If he could find the train station-I'm just being silly here D. I'm sure you did fine because you are so awesome. Miss you!)
Hey Guys,
Turtle, check your email today. I have some interesting info for you. Peace.
- Vadim
What's going on! I'm Daisuke, say D. Now I'm in Prague and from now on go to Krakow. Prague is a awesome city, you know. I read your blog and so happy, bcause of written about me. Now, I keep talking in English so it's getting better! I also writte two of you and awesome story in Japanese, though. Maybe a couple of days later, I translate it. After that please read and give your comment to me. Anyway, good-luck!
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