Boston to Munich

Location: Munich, Deutschland
We arrived in London early this morning. After fighting for sleep on
some benches in the terminal we made our connecting flight to Munich
and promptly passed out for the whole flight there.
Jet lag was seriously taking its toll on me after leaving the airport
heading downtown on the S1 train. After a whole lot of confusion
about our subway tickets, we never really used them. Not sure how
that was supposed to work, but we will have to figure that out a bit
more in the coming weeks.
Now back to the jet lag. The trains are very fast and efficient but
the air was stuffy. I was starting to feel a bit woozy by about the
4th stop. In a mater of seconds up came the free Brit air waters that
I had been living on for the past few hrs. While puking into a
plastic bag, I was doing my best not to disgust the other passengers.
By the next stop, people were volunteering to help me off with my bag
and a very polite British women had to excuse herself from the seat
across from me.
After catching my breath we caught the next train in and continued our
journey downtown. After making it to Munich's Central station, we
needed to find the ticket office for buses on the Romantic Road, an
old medieval trade route that we will head out on tomorrow. Thank god
Jill has been doing her homework on this portion of the the trip
because it took well over an hr to find the ticket office while
following explicit directions from Rick Steeve's Guide for Germany and
Next up was getting our dead tired bodies to the Euro Youth Hostel and
getting our beds for the night. All in all the place is quite nice
and we will have to stop back in on our last days in Munich at the end
of the trip. Jill and I quickly decided to nap for a few minutes.
Those few minutes turned into a few hrs and probably longer if it
weren't for two of our roommates waking us up by walking out of their
rooms laughing at the official Munich Oktoberfest Leinerhosen that
they manged to find while shopping earlier today. There is no way not
to laugh if a couple Brits in short shorts, hats, and suspenders is
your first sight after waking up from some much needed sleep.
Other than that the rest of the day has been just wandering Munich and
getting oriented.
Happy to hear all is well so far. Good luck, have fun and write when you can.
Sounds good so far. Glad to hear you got some sleep. The state of your health can make or break a trip like this, so take good care of yourselves.
The Lederhosen story is too funny.
Love and peace from Woodstock.
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