
Muses of backpacking the globe and other activites of a few outdoor, travel, and adventure loving urbanites. Including travel info on locals we've been to.

Monday, January 09, 2006

HK Disney Reosrt Firework - Google Video

It isn't my vidography. I simply am just biting off of some one else on Google Video. Any way it isn't a half bad depictaion of the show.

Granted the ones we scoped out on New Years wern't even close. I will see about getting the video compiled form the previous year. I might have to wait since my camera at the time didn't record any sound. So it realy ming get spiliced into some thing else as stock footage.

My favorite thing about this show at Disney is that all you see in the foground are the LCD screans for every ones camecorder. Its realy hard to miss it from this angel but, live it realy is funny.

Any way enjoy the show!


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